Global battery company LG Energy Solution has established production bases in several countries, demonstrating its commitment to battery manufacturing. Additionally, the company is putting significant effort to foster mutual growth with the communities where its production subsidiaries are located, proactively practicing ESG management. In this episode of “Ask Anything to LG Energy Solution,” we will look at LG Energy Solution Michigan’s activities to support the local community.

LG Energy Solution Michigan is the first independent production base in North America and serves as a key production hub. It began operations in 2012 after establishing a production subsidiary and the first plant in Holland, Michigan. The plant now boasts an annual production capacity of 5GWh, with pouch batteries as its main product.
The company not only serves as a core battery hub in North America but also strives to contribute to the local community.

First, LG Energy Solution supports various programs in Michigan to discover future experts in the battery industry. In February 2024, the battery maker participated in the Grand Valley State University Career Fair, introducing various positions in the electric vehicle sector and engaging with students. Also, at the Michigan State University Engineering Expo, LG Energy Solution shared insights into the electric vehicle industry and discussed various topics, including electric vehicles, energy, and manufacturing. Through these activities, LG Energy Solution continues to communicate with local talent.

The company also supports a variety of educational programs to nurture talent in Michigan. Among these, the FIRST Robotics program at Black River Public School in Michigan is noteworthy. This program helps students deepen their understanding of STEM fields* and gain experience in robotics. Harnessing the knowledge they acquire through the program, students regularly participate in robotics competitions. In 2023, LG Energy Solution Michigan sponsored two FIRST Robotics teams in this program, helping them enhance their expertise and continue their work in this field.
*STEM: An acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, referring to academic fields related to these disciplines.

Besides, LG Energy Solution Michigan is making a significant contribution to local job creation. The battery manufacturer closely collaborates with the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) and is establishing itself as a major employer in Michigan. Through a large-scale investment of $2.7 billion, it plans to create over 1,000 new jobs and provide health insurance benefits fully covered by the company.
Lastly, the company is committed to various social contribution activities to promote mutual prosperity with the local community.

LG Energy Solution Michigan has donated essential items for children of underprivileged families. The company provided toiletries, pajamas, blankets, books, and stuffed animals to the Ottawa County Department of Health and Human Services (DHS). In December 2023, LG Energy Solution supported the Toy for Tots program* by donating hundreds of toys in celebration of Christmas. The company has maintained a relationship with the foundation operating the Toy for Tots program since 2019, sharing warmth with marginalized neighbors.
*Toys for Tots: A program operated by the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve that distributes toys to disadvantaged children across the country during the Christmas season.
Furthermore, LG Energy Solution Michigan hosts several blood donation campaigns throughout the year. Thanks to the warm dedication of its employees, the company collected a total of 49 units of blood in 2023, an amount enough to save up to 147 lives. These social contribution activities are bringing about positive changes in Michigan.
Today, we learned the efforts made by LG Energy Solution Michigan to invigorate the local community! Through talent discovery and development activities, the company supports mutual growth of both young people and businesses, fostering harmonious coexistence with the community. All these efforts contribute to LG Energy Solution’s vision of a sustainable future. Stay tuned to find out what questions will be answered in the next AMA session with LG Energy Solution!