What is the organizational culture LG Energy Solution pursues?

Global companies are dedicated to establishing a more innovative and healthy organizational culture in managing their businesses because their organizational culture can have a great influence in the company’s future.

LG Energy Solution has our own philosophy that “Our most valuable clients are our employees.” and is creating our own organizational culture of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) based on it. What is LG Energy Solution’s organizational culture like?

* DEI means “respecting diversity” to prevent discrimination for being different, “principle of equity” to offer equal opportunity and ban discrimination based on social status, and “inclusion-basis” to foster understanding and respect between employees. The values represent LG Energy Solution’s aspiration for our organizational culture.

LG Energy Solution respects diversity

In 2021, about 70% of LG Energy Solution employees at our global business sites was foreigners, higher than in domestic sites. As we expand our global businesses, we will come to communicate and work with more global talents.

Also, LG Energy Solution regards a proper gender proportion to be important. So, we are attracting more female talents introducing maternity programs including leave and payment for infertility treatment as well as care for adopted children. By doing so, we are creating an environment where female employees can work without much concern.

Meanwhile, Areumnuri, our affiliate dedicated to the disabled, contributes to employing more disabled people, nurturing an environment where employees work respecting and not discriminating against each other.

Equity is a principle of LG Energy Solution’s organizational culture

LG Energy Solution has programs to hire talents without discrimination based on race, nationality, gender, religion, disability, region, or the groups the job candidates belong to.

We have internships and open contests under partnerships with excellent universities near our major production plants. In another program, we nurture talents in rural areas and recruit them later to contribute to regional economic development and reduce youth unemployment.

In addition, LG Energy Solution gives opportunities for employment, promotion, reward, and training depending on employees’ abilities and potential while pursuing zero discrimination based on gender, age, race, religion, labor union activities, disability, pregnancy, marital and other social status.

LG Energy Solution is establishing a cultural organization of involvement

At LG Energy Solution, we use the same honorific regardless of rank or position, instead of calling each other’s title as many South Korean companies traditionally do. This is to respect each individual as an expert in their field and to build a horizontal relationship where they can freely express their opinions. Programs for that purpose include “EnTalk,” a communication platform for employees to make suggestions directly to the CEO, as well as “LGCnergy” and “Hidden Hero,” compliment and encouragement platforms for enabling smooth cooperation and expressing gratitude. Other programs aim at creating a “positive workplace,” encouraging employees to make positive remarks such as “Thank you” or “Great job” more often.

Introducing LG Energy Solution’s activities for our organizational culture

LG Energy Solution has a lot of channels for our own cultural activities with employees such as Entalk, surveys on employee experience, and Junior Board.

Entalk is a hotline connected directly to the CEO, designed to inform him of employees’ difficulties at work and to talk about them. Systems for improving employee satisfaction are also suggested through EnTalk.

Office workers at home and abroad were surveyed on “Six projects for establishing our organizational culture,” with the six sectors representing Reporting and meeting with a focus on key issues, Flexible working, Horizontal relationship, Positive attitude, Happy workplace, and Sharing. The result was released across the company and support is being provided to where improvement is necessary.

Junior Board is a consultative group consisting of employee representatives. Each sector selected one representative, and they participate in the CEO meeting every month. Their opinions are considered heavily in determining major organizational culture-related matters.

LG Energy Solution is improving the working environment as well. We have more than 20 coworking spaces where employees can work remotely in the metropolitan area and expanded the area to include Daejeon and Ochang, establishing a flexible work system. As for meetings and reporting, guidelines are provided allowing just a written report unless a discussion is necessary.

Besides, “Happy Workplace Team” offers stress treatment and mental health consultation for employees. “Family Bond” is intended for their families, and events for boosting morale and colleagueship aim at making a “workplace where employees want to go when they wake up in the morning.”

LG Energy Solution will continue to create a happy organizational culture with employees, our most important clients.

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