LG Energy Solution’s EH&S Management System for a Robust Battery Ecosystem

LG Energy Solution is contributing to building a robust battery ecosystem by creating a safe and healthy work environment. We prioritize the well-being of our executives and employees, as well as our partners, striving to maintain a wholesome workplace. Today, we will explore the environmental health and safety (EH&S) objectives and frameworks LG Energy Solution has established.

Establishing EH&S Governance and Implementing Key Initiatives

LG Energy Solution has selected critical initiatives and is implementing them to enhance our competitiveness and execution ability in EH&S, aligning our economic operations with the EH&S goals. These initiatives fall into three categories: △Ensuring Absolute Safety, △Proactive Health Management, and △Continuous Environmental Improvement.

These key initiatives are being implemented within our EH&S governance. Our Environmental Health and Safety Committee, consisting of the Chief Environment Safety Officer and key executives, is responsible for making decisions related to EH&S. The committee meets monthly to discuss key issues, progress on priority initiatives, and future plans. These efforts are positioning us as leaders in EH&S policy and enhancing our responsible business practices.

Additionally, we have also established a site-level Joint Labor-Management Occupational Safety and Health Committee, which features equal representation from both employee and employer representatives. This committee addresses major occupational safety and health issues and makes key decisions to prevent potential workplace risks and manage employee health. We conduct regular consultations and joint inspections with suppliers and subcontractors to solicit workers’ suggestions for improvement and are making efforts to create a safe work environment by identifying and mitigating workplace risks.

A Systematic Approach to Environmental Health and Safety Management Based on ISO Standards

LG Energy Solution has embraced standards set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), an independent, non-governmental organization based in Geneva, Switzerland. The ISO was founded to standardize products and services across diverse fields, facilitating international trade.

LG Energy Solution takes a systematic approach to EH&S management by following standards such as ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System) and ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System). 6 production locations at Ochang, Nanjing (LGESNJ, LGESNA, LGESNB), Wrocław (LGESWA), and Michigan (LGESMI), as well as 3 R&D locations at Daejeon, Gwacheon, and Magok have been certified by ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.

To demonstrate our consistent commitment, we have established the “Environmental Health and Safety Policy.” Based on this policy, we have developed standards, environmental health and safety regulations, operational guidelines, and flexible site-specific procedures. Additionally, proactive management activities at the field level and organization-specific initiatives are carried out to prevent accidents. Our employee evaluation process includes environmental health and safety incidents, thus enhancing awareness and execution.

Environmental health and safety are crucial to corporate management. At LG Energy Solution, we are dedicated to ensuring that both our executives and employees, along with our partners, can work in a healthy and safe environment. Moving forward, we will continue our efforts to enhance workplace safety and create a sustainable battery ecosystem.

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