LG Energy Solution Hosted Online Seminar on RE100 for Business Partners

Press Release

■ Explained background and objectives of implementing RE100 for about 30 Tier 1 business partners

■ Continuously support its partners to enable them to use renewable energy 100%
– Transfer its knowhow of practicing RE100 by considering characteristics of each country or region


LG Energy Solution initiates the Renewable Energy 100 (RE100) campaign with its business partners.

The company held “Online Seminar on RE100” targeting around 30 Tier 1 business partners for two days from September 2.

In the seminar, it actively shared information with its business partners including global trends related to renewable energy, the establishment of a goal to make the future supply chain use renewable energy 100%, and procurement measures and also requested them to make active cooperation.

It also discussed sustainable support measures with them including the delivery of related knowhow so that they can establish and implement an optimal plan to use renewable energy 100% by considering individual regulations and conditions of each country and region.

It conducted the online seminar since a large proportion of greenhouse gases (GHGs) generated in the battery making process originates when producing raw materials for battery including cathode materials, anode materials, and separators.

According to the analysis on the entire life cycle of batteries, if the amount of GHGs from a 1kWh battery is 100, over 70 of them are generated from the raw material supply chain. A considerable amount of the GHGs produced in the supply chain is attributed from electricity consumption. In this respect, using renewable electricity sources in suppliers of raw materials is a global trend to enhance the greenness of battery products.

To keep up with this global move, LG Energy Solution plans to carry out the RE100 campaign by targeting its business partners supplying major raw materials including cathode and anode materials, which emit relatively a large amount of GHGs. It intends to support other raw material suppliers to gradually join the movement.

While US, the European Union (EU), and others announced to become “carbon neutral” by 2050, meaning they will achieve zero GHG emissions by 2050, other major advanced economies are also ready to specify mid-and long-term carbon neutrality goals and policies at a state level. Recently, global enterprises including General Motors (GM), Volkswagen (VW), and Apple Inc. (Apple) also announced their plan to reduce GHGs.

LG Energy Solution previously declared its ESG vision and strategy, “We CHARGE toward a better future,” while accelerating the ESG management in July 2021.

Particularly, it revealed its plan to use 100% renewable electricity in all the global sites in 2030, the two decades ahead of the RE100 campaign.

As a leading global eco-friendly batter maker, it aims at achieving zero GHG emissions in 2050 by proactively using renewable energy sources, increasing energy efficiency with the improvement in the battery making process, and introducing high-efficiency facilities.

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