[Charging Moment] “We play volleyball after work and build special friendships with colleagues!” – Armandine and Slone at LG Energy Solution Michigan

LG Energy Solution Michigan has a club for employees who enjoy scorching summer for real. It’s the volleyball club! Its members play volleyball at the vast, beautiful Lake Michigan and build special friendships with colleagues. In today’s Charging Moment, we will meet Armandine and Slone who are active members of the volleyball club.


(Armandine Uwimana of Electrode Technology Team)
Hi! I’m Armandine Uwimana and I work at the Electrode Technology Team of LG Energy Solution Michigan. I’m an electrode technology engineer and mostly work for the coating process.

I play volleyball in my free time and I’m the president of the volleyball club of LG Energy Solution Michigan. I started the volleyball club around July 2023. I was looking for how I could get along with my colleagues and cultivate companionship outside of work, and the volleyball club came to my sight. I decided to enjoy Holland’s (in Michigan) summer to the fullest playing volleyball and didn’t hesitate to join.

(Slone Schultz of Electrode Technology Team)
Hi! I’m Slone Schultz and I work at the Electrode Technology Department of LG Energy Solution. I’m a production engineer at the Electrode Technology Team in the Electrode Technology Department.

I have been with the volleyball club since its foundation and I am currently an active member along with Armandine. Although I have learned volleyball for only a few months, I’m enjoying it so much. As I keep playing, I find it even more fascinating. Plus, I love to get along with people as a club member!


(Armandine Uwimana of Electrode Technology Team)
We at the volleyball club are engaged in various activities. We do not only practice volleyball, but also split into teams and play volleyball games. After playing, we build bonds by either eating ice cream together or having dinner together.

Sometimes, we collaborate with other clubs. We had a friendly match with a fitness club. It was a fiercer match than other times. We realized how competitive the club members were at that time. Now, we are training hard to do better.

(Slone Schultz of Electrode Technology Team)
We normally play volleyball near Lake Michigan. It feels more refreshing as we play in vast, beautiful nature! And, for some reason, I feel closer to my colleagues, and I feel our bonds get stronger to meet them outside of work.


(Slone Schultz of Electrode Technology Team)
LG Energy Solution provides full support for club activities. Not only club activities but also general leisure activities are subjected. The company helps us recharge ourselves out of work hours.

Indeed, volleyball club activities help us a lot with our work. For me, I often collaborate with my colleagues. As I met a variety of members in my club activities, I became to enjoy my work life better.

(Armandine Uwimana of Electrode Technology Team)
Volleyball involves a lot of collaboration. Teamwork, effective communication skills, all those are necessary for playing volleyball. I feel like the more you enjoy the activities, the more you get cooperative.

Communication skills and teamwork are especially necessary for my job. That’s because engineers work with many colleagues. Since I had joined the volleyball club, I realized I found collaborative work easier than before.


(Armandine Uwimana of Electrode Technology Team)
Volleyball means a lot to me. It makes time for me to be with friends outside of work and enables me to learn deeper about my colleagues. Juggling work and leisure activity is not easy. So, this time is even more valuable and meaningful.

As the president of the volleyball club, I would like to recruit more members. LG Energy Solution is helping me greatly with that, as it supports my club promotion efforts. I still want to increase the member counts! If you love outdoor activities and summer, and if you enjoy healthy competition with others, I enthusiastically recommend you the volleyball club!

(Slone Schultz of Electrode Technology Team)
One of the club’s goals is to grow together and get to know each other as a team based on teamwork. We intend to make good times together playing volleyball.

So, volleyball club activities have made my work life more enjoyable. Building this volleyball club, a local community in Holland and an in-house community, I have become able to work harder at work! This club will be a great opportunity to say hi to colleagues you work with every day and collaborate with them.

Armandine and Slone are enjoying their leisure activities playing volleyball with their colleagues amid a busy schedule! Their harnessing of collaboration they have learned from playing volleyball for work life is impressive. You can look forward to finding out what our next guests will do in their free time!

*[Charging Moment] Why do LG Energy Solution employees run to the lakeside after work? View

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