LG Energy Solution is building an efficient work environment using big data, because that helps optimize the battery-making process and increase the production rate and battery quality. Eventually, that produces valuable customer experience for consumers. To make all these possible, the Pouch-type Big Data Team of LG Energy Solution seeks to resolve issues of pouch-type products and to build smart factories by analyzing big data. We are going to meet Areum Lee who is working in the team and learn what she does.
Q. Please introduce yourself.

Hi! I am Areum Lee of the Pouch-type Big Data Team. I deal with issues occurring from pouch-type products and analyze big data and develop algorithms for higher intelligence and sophistication. I offer insights for building smart factories that enable data-driven decision making. More specifically, I identify the quality and situations that could happen in production, find out what has caused them, analyze big data for improvement and optimization of the factory, and develop algorithms.
Q. What are the qualifications required to work at the Pouch-type Big Data Team?

In the past, engineers and operators did their work based on their subjective decisions. But now, we can make precise and consistent decisions thanks to big data. The importance of big data is growing even more because all plants across the world have to make quick decisions with the same standard.
Therefore, our job needs analytical skills with which you can look at data from various perspectives and take the lead to handle problems. In many cases, problems are solved when you take a different approach, not the traditional one.
Q. What do you do to have your own expertise?
I try hard to get the battery manufacturing process right. I obtain knowledge like the features or uses of equipment from the production staff and also study by myself. Then I analyze data with my understanding of the equipment information and measurement data I have gathered.
Additionally, I learn data analysis further, taking various in-house AI and DX expert’s courses. For machine learning and deep learning, I work hard to follow the technology trends closely, as these fields boast, especially rapid technology development.
Q. When do you feel most rewarded as you work?

I take pride in spotting and analyzing pain points at plants and improving actual industrial sites based on the results. I felt achieved especially when I had found out the causes of problems in manual work using data and contributed to enhancing process efficiency.
Q. Do you have a goal you want to realize with the skills you have honed?
My goal is to analyze the data of the entire battery manufacturing process from electrode manufacturing, cell assembly, and formation to packing. Then, I want to be an analyst who can cover the entire process. When I get this expertise, I will be able to detect defects in the back-end process efficiently based on the data from the previous process.
Q. How could your work at LG Energy Solution contribute to society?

When you combine data and process, you don’t just get technology development, but you can see visible results of the improvement in quality and process. You can be proud of yourself for doing a meaningful job. I will be a part of the efforts of producing safe high-quality batteries through the analysis of big data and supplying them to society.