LG Energy Solution Manages “Water” Used in Battery Production

The world is striving to protect Earth’s resources and create a sustainable future. With this global effort, LG Energy Solution is actively working towards environmentally friendly management. It has established a risk management system for water resources in its battery manufacturing processes and facilities to reduce water usage. How is LG Energy Solution’s water resources management conducted?

Establishing a Water Management System by referencing International Standards

LG Energy Solution conducts its water resources management primarily through two systems: reducing water use in its operations and purifying the used water.

First, it has developed regulations based on “Environmental Impact Assessments” to ensure a stable water supply for its battery manufacturing and other processes. The environmental impact assessments analyze the environmental impact of a project before it starts, aiming to establish a system that eliminates or minimizes adverse effects.

LG Energy Solution has assessed the feasibility of water supply and reviewed water-related laws and regulations before establishing its facilities. This action allows it to analyze and respond to various risks in advance.

Additionally, LG Energy Solution referenced international standards and systems. To analyze the “water stress*”, an indicator that measures the impact of water scarcity by region, it utilized the Aqueduct program developed by the World Resource Institute (WRI). Using this, it conducted an analysis of water stress in the regions where its global production corporations are located.

* Water Stress: the proportion of annual water demand to the average yearly available water resources

Moreover, based on the results of the water stress analysis, LG Energy Solution has established a stringent water management system through a new “Environmental Operations Management Regulation”. This regulation requires the heads of water management departments at each site to identify water usage from each source and monitor main water consumption points and the amount of water usage using an Energy and Utility Management System (EUM).

Find the Source of Water Usage! LG Energy Solution’s Water Reduction Process

As such, reducing the amount of water used in facilities is crucial in preventing water scarcity and ensuring sustainability.

In response, LG Energy Solution is carrying out water reduction activities. These include pipe-cleaning operations to remove debris, dust, and other accumulations within its chiller system, including chillers and cooling towers, that require a large amount of water, thereby increasing heat exchange efficiency. Moreover, LG Energy Solution purifies concentrated wastewater generated from reverse osmosis (RO) equipment and reuses it as cooling water in cooling towers.

LG Energy Solution is committed to valuing Earth’s resources and reducing water consumption! In the next episode, we will explore its wastewater management system that purifies used water at its facilities.

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