[Relay Virtual Tour] Introducing LG Energy Solution Michigan – Part 1

The Michigan facility is the center of LG Energy Solution’s North American operations. Many of our Michigan employees work extremely hard to manage the A to Z of battery production in North America while living far away from home. We will take you on a virtual tour of our Michigan subsidiary’s workplace and business sites, where local workers are making things happen.

(Kyung-deuk Lim, Process Technology Team)
Welcome to the LG Energy Solution Michigan office in the United States. I am Kyung-deuk Lim from the Process Technology team, and I am the first runner in the Relay Virtual Tour. Let us take a look at where Michigan employees work on a daily basis!

The Process Technology team in charge of battery quality

(Kyung-deuk Lim, Process Technology Team)
Before I can enter my team office, I must first swipe my employee ID through a double-security gate.

I am in charge of managing product yields and reviewing and improving quality issues. I freely share my thoughts with my coworkers here at the office.

The dedication of our team to quality assurance earned us first place at the 2021 LG Energy Solution Innovation Festival, where we received the Outstanding Award in Innovation Project.

The Charging Station for our body, a cafeteria to replenish energy

(Kyung-deuk Lim, Process Technology Team)
Our Michigan office has a cafeteria called “The Charging Station.” It probably means that enjoy its food and charge energy. Employees have access to the cafeteria until late, and it offers a varied menu that includes items like burgers, Mexican food, and snacks in addition to Korean menus like Jeyuk bokkeum, stir-fried spicy pork, and instant cup noodles.

Solid employee benefits offered to expatriates in Michigan

(Kyung-deuk Lim, Process Technology Team)
You may be wondering what benefits you have as an expatriate at LG Energy Solution. The company essentially provides housing, a vehicle, and a cell phone for business use. There may be a limit to the amount of assistance available, but we live in a better environment than the average. We also have an electric car powered by LG Energy Solution batteries. 

The first part of the Michigan Relay Virtual Tour introduced you to the working space where our Michigan employees work and spend a lot of time. In the second part of the tour, we will show you the Michigan office’s rest areas and outdoor spaces. Stay tuned and join us again!

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