[IN:CHARGE] Yuhwan Noh of the Swelling Analysis Technology Team realizes customer value by enhancing battery safety

LG Energy Solution develops a variety of technologies to improve battery safety and offers differentiated customer experience because ensuring safe operation in any environment and situation is our foremost concern. The Swelling Analysis Technology Team of LG Energy Solution is one of the teams devoted to battery safety research. Let’s find out what Yuhwan Noh, a member of the team, does for it.

Q. Please introduce yourself.

Hi. I’m Yuhwan Noh and I work at the Swelling Analysis Technology Team. Battery swelling is

electrochemical reaction occurring during the charging and discharging cycle. This can be caused by several factors such as gas creation or electrode expansion. Simulating the swelling phenomenon and predicting possible problems with analysis techniques could help improve battery safety. As for me, I develop and apply simulation technology.

Q. What are the qualifications required by the Swelling Analysis Technology Team?

You need understanding of batteries as well as theoretical knowledge on structural analysis and mechanical engineering. That’s because you should be able to identify how swelling changes the mechanical structure of the battery package. The ability to determine the feasibility of the experimentation process and data based on the understanding of batteries is also necessary.

Another requirement is to be able to understand the situation and give it the right definition. Since the situations and conditions of a battery when it is used are all different, it is important to see the problem clearly and make the right definition. Although it requires an enormous amount of research to be able to do that, it is essential.

Q. What do you do to have your own expertise?

I’m learning further about optimum design and automation design using artificial intelligence as well as analysis since I can resolve the issues of a product found during simulation more easily and efficiently with mathematical algorithms. To enhance my ability in optimum design, I’m studying different theories and application cases through relevant books, papers, and lectures. And to improve my ability about artificial intelligence, I’m taking an in-house DX lecture.

Q. What is your attitude like at work?

I believe “All actions for simulation should necessarily follow logical reasons,” as I work. You should either simplify the real situation or set the analysis conditions including hypothesis for simulation in many cases. The selection of analysis conditions, especially, determines the direction of analysis results. So, reasonable bases need to be presented for deciding the conditions and parameters of the analysis model. Only then you can give a reasonable explanation on the analysis result and reach the right conclusion.

Q. What is the goal you want to realize with the skills you have polished?

Predicting swelling is becoming even more important as new materials are employed for developing batteries. I’d like to come up with a way to accurately predict and analyze swelling properties that depend on cell combinations and the use environments. Then, I would present modules and pack structures that can withstand any problems through the way.

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