[IN:CHARGE] Hu-jun Lee of the PS Technology Development Team aims to improve customer value with BMS design

Parts constituting the Battery Management System (BMS) enable the system to perform various functions. They optimize the performance and extend the lifespan of batteries while ensuring the safety of battery users and the entire system at the same time.

LG Energy Solution is committed to delivering differentiated customer value to battery consumers by ensuring stable performance of BMS. So, the battery maker established the PS Technology Development Team and is strengthening its technology competitiveness. What would be the mindset of Hu-jun Lee of the PS Technology Development Team when he is at work? Let’s find out.

Q. Please introduce yourself.

Hi! I am Hu-jun Lee and I verify and develop advanced technology for BMS of secondary batteries at the PS Technology Development Team of the BMS Development Center. I develop embedded software that controls parts such as MCU* used for BMS. For the hardware to operate properly, different parts should be designed to strike a balance and be managed efficiently. I control these parts and make the hardware function stably.

*MCU: A computer that contains an integrated chip of a microprocessor and an input/output module. It is programmed to perform designated functions.

Q. What are the qualifications required by the PS Technology Development Team?

I had worked exclusively on hardware development before I was transferred to the software development job. The development of embedded software I’m currently working on requires an in-depth understanding of hardware and systems, and my experience in hardware development is a valuable asset now.

You need to design various circuits to develop hardware. You experiment on circuits to make a board. In this process, software engineers control the MCU’s operations inside the board. And you have to know how the MCU is connected with other parts in order to control its operations. Therefore, you need knowledge on the hardware domain that allows you to interpret the circuit diagram and identify the structure of the board.

Q. What do you do for your own expertise?

Whenever I encounter new areas, I look for programming classes related to them, and take the classes. Also, when I have technical parts I don’t perfectly understand, I ask for help from my colleagues and solve the problem together.

I am always well aware that even trivial things can be important in practice. Since a small mistake can make a huge impact on the project, I feel responsible when I do my work. As such, I take a proactive attitude and keep improving my expertise.

Q. How could your work at LG Energy Solution contribute to society?

LG Energy Solution is committed to research and development of batteries for ranging from EVs to energy storage systems as well as small and next-generation batteries. Development of BMS is essential for efficient management and operation of the batteries we deal with. Embedded software is the key in developing a new battery concept or precise battery management technology that is right for the properties of a new battery material.

Accordingly, I set goals of maximizing battery efficiency and securing safety of users by developing accurate and precise battery management technology. For those purposes, I would create a virtuous cycle where I can contribute to my team more by broadening my understanding of the system from a comprehensive perspective and learning more operation systems and development languages.

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