[Better Life] “Until the day every employee becomes a battery expert!” – A day in the life of Donghee Lee, Expert Developing Team

LG Energy Solution employees are dedicated to their roles and work hard for their respective duties. It’s crucial for them to grow further through systematic and high-quality training to become more specialized and competitive. To achieve this goal, the Expert Development Team provides high-level training programs that include essential battery knowledge. In today’s Better Life episode, we’ll meet Donghee Lee from the Expert Development Team.

I am Donghee Lee and I nurture experts
at the Ochang Energy Plant of LG Energy Solution.😁
My role is to support new and experienced hires
so that they can become experts in their fields!

I’m currently arranging the timetable for remotely training new employees.⏰
The remote training sessions take place in a one-person broadcasting booth.🎙
It looks like a coin karaoke booth, doesn’t it?🎤
Before starting work, new employees go through
a four-week remote training program where they can learn
what they need to know.

Do you think the sessions only consist of training?
If so, they would be boring.
We have time for rapport building* through quizzes and 
counseling during the sessions.🎮🎯🎲

*Rapport building: Developing a sense of intimacy or trust through communication

Next week, I will finally meet the new employees in the offline lecture room.👩
This is where the lessons will take place!

I always think about how I could provide
more informative and interesting programs.🤔

When I can’t come up with good ideas,
I take a deep breath of fresh air and have some rest.🍃🌸

I have to study hard to provide professional lectures!📖🧐
I will continue to work hard so that all employees can become experts!

Donghee’s dedication to delivering engaging and informative training to LG Energy Solution’s employees was very impressive. From her commitment to continuous learning to offer professional training and her creativity to develop diverse content to foster connections with trainees, we could get a glimpse of the talent of the Expert Development Team. Then, who will be featured in the next Better Life episode? Stay tuned for more.

* Check out the YouTube Short, “[Better Life] Dong-hee Lee from Expert Developing Team.

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